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You know all those super boring corporate training courses that put us to sleep? These aren't those. Try courses that are fun, quick, and stick with you. Access the entire learning library, or let us create something custom (and awesome) for you and your whole crew.
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Sexual Harassment Prevention

This one really stands out. Probably not what you'd expect, but way more effective than you'd imagine.

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You're going to love our courses. Not love-love like you want to marry them; but, you'll definitely like hanging out with 'em for a while.

Just for me

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For my whole team

You and your whole crew get full access to ALL our courses. Use 'em in a team meeting and watch people wake up and learn.

"It's such a great platform...I hosted our first company-wide training event two weeks ago and it was awesome!"

Something custom

Need a course done for you? We can help. And we'll make it kinda fun. It's what we do. 

Let us know what you need and we'll get cracking!

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-Jennifer H.

Why people choose WiseDaily.


Most of our content is bite-sized microlearning you and your team can take in just a few minutes. Plus, no stuffed-corporate-speak here. Real humans talking like real humans.


Looks good at your desk or on the go. Waiting for the train or the next meeting to start? Pull up a quick course or two and show 'em how smart you are.


Content is specifically designed to release endorphins, maybe some dopamine, and stay with learners. Because what's the point of learning without having some fun?